Wednesday, July 15, 2015

From The Camera Traps

Checked several of my camera traps and, although they hadn’t gotten too many photos of wildlife, they had some interesting pictures.

Two very different black bears in the same place –

A gray fox –

And a long legged red fox -

A buck white-tailed deer showing his new antlers –

And a white-tail fawn –

I always enjoy checking the camera traps – there’s usually something unexpected among the photos.


  1. Gosh These are all marvellous sighting and how you tell the bears apart I do not know. Have a lovely weekend.

  2. Oh wow, these are awesome critters. I love the bear, great photos. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  3. AH! What the camera sees when you're not there. Very cool!

  4. Wonderful photography of nature's critters ~ never heard much about camera traps but can see you get great shots!

    Happy Weekend to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  5. those bears look big. you seem to have the same animals around you that we have here. What state are you in?
    Wonderful group of photos!

  6. Now these are some good catches with the camera trap! Very nice job!

  7. Wonderful to see such wildlife so close to your home. Living in Vancouver is about as close to the natural world as I will manage to be, so your sharing of these is a gift.

  8. Wow! Such an amazing variety of animal visitors!


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