best time to be at the marsh is early in the morning when it comes alive with
activity. Having donned camouflage clothing, I headed for the marsh and once
there put on a camo mask as well.
photographers scoff at wearing camo and it’s certainly not needed where
wildlife is habituated to people, but this is a wild marsh where few humans
venture except to hunt ducks in the fall. Here the wildlife is quite wary lest it
become a predator’s next meal.
of the marsh blends into an extensive area of open water; there an osprey just
returned from its southern wintering grounds soared overhead –
the osprey was a bonus for I’d really come in search of the wood ducks that
nest in the nearby woodland. And so I set up in a patch of
thick vegetation and waited. A short while later a pair of blue-winged
teal landed off to one side of my location –
about an hour a pair of wood ducks flew in to land across a narrow patch of
open water –
It wasn't long before the wood ducks disappeared into a narrow channel in the cattails.
A wolf
spider, eleven painted turtles and several red-winged blackbirds provided some diversion as I waited
for the ducks to emerge – but they didn’t.
second bonus of the day soon arrived in the form of two great egrets in
full breeding plumage. One landed on the edge of the open water and proceeded
in a stately way to stalk frogs, small fish, large insects and anything else it
considered edible –