Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Day by Day Throughout the Year - 3rd Quarter

Summer had already been here for a month with heat (days in the 90s) and humidity (100%) by the time the year’s third quarter began. Needless to say I’m not a fan of summer, but there are still interesting things to see, and photograph, in forest and field.

Insects love the heat and humidity of summer and are everywhere; yes some are unpleasant biters, but many others are extremely beautiful. Birds have raised their young, some species have reared a second or third brood; most have molted and many are becoming more obvious. New flowers are in bloom and there will be more summertime blooms until cold weather sets in during the year’s fourth quarter. Young mammals are dispersing and seeking to establish their own territories.

Here are my day-to-day photos from the year’s third quarter (photos from the first and second quarters can be seen here and here) –

Now we’re at the end of the year’s third quarter, summer's heat and humidity are gone, tree leaves are showing colors, migrating birds are passing through, chipmunks are storing food for winter, bull elk are chasing the girls.

It won’t be long (hopefully) until we see the first snow flurries. The earth keeps spinning on its axis and I keep taking photos.

"I think I like this planet, I may stay here."

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