Wednesday, February 7, 2024


Anyone who has watched chickadees and titmice has seen the gyrations and contortions they sometimes go through to get a bite to eat. One recent day I was walking along the edge of an old field and stopped to watch a tufted titmouse getting seeds from several 5-8 foot tall dead plants. It would go through a few contortions to get a seed from the dried seed pods and then fly off to open the seed’s hull to get at its contents.

 Here are a few photos –

I’ve still not been able to identify the plant they were visiting, so I must hang my head in shame. Although the seed pods vaguely resemble those some other plants, I know not what it is. It may be an exotic plant from elsewhere that’s not common and isn’t in any of the field guides in my library.


  1. I just love how the background became such a great foil for the bird and the a photographer's studio background!

  2. Great series on the Titmouse, one of my favorite yard birds.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day and the new week ahead.

  3. Fascinating acrobatics! Love the photos - they capture their focus perfectly.

  4. I like the word 'gyration'! And I love these sweet birds! I get a crick in my neck trying to take photos like these! Happy Sunday!


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