Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Ravens at Play

Common ravens are our most intelligent birds – they cache food and move it if they’ve been observed in the process, can repeatedly pull on a string and hold it with a foot to retrieve food dangling from a perch, they use simple tools and they play. They’ve been observed carrying sticks as they fly, dropping the stick and catching it; dropping a rock for another raven to catch in the air; and playing similarly with streamers of surveyor’s plastic tape. While flying in a stiff wind they’ll do loop-the-loops and barrel rolls seemingly for the pure joy of it.

We went back to the farmland where we’d previously seen harriers and short-eared owls to try for better photos. That was not to be, because a northwest wind was howling across the ridges.


What we saw instead was a band of juvenile common ravens at play –

The ravens were playing in the wind, chasing each other, occasionally landing on a fencepost, and then resuming the chase –

After a while they apparently tired of the games, flew over us and out of sight.

For more about ravens’ intelligence see biologist Bernd Heinrich’s The Mind of the Raven.


  1. They are wonderful to watch. I haven't seen any here in SE Ontario. Thanks for sharing yours.

  2. Folks often look at me as if I were crazy when I say that the corvids, Crows, Jays, and Ravens, are my very favorite birds. They are SO smart and sassy, and they even like to play tricks on each other. I just wish they'd let me sneak up on deer carcasses out on the frozen river bays to see who might be feeding on them. But the alarm goes off throughout the woods before I even come in sight of the carcass.

  3. Great post on the Ravens. I enjoyed the video!
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

  4. Oh, how beautiful, I enjoyed it. Every now and then, I hear one deep in the woods. It's so nice to be able to see them on your blog.

  5. I saw a lot of crows on my hike today. I guess they sound similar to the ravens...kind of sqawky!


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