Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Didn't Make the Cut

For the past year I'd been making what I considered a good or at least interesting photograph each day within 200 feet of our back door. The results were posted by the meteorological seasons here, here, here and here.

On many days I took multiple photos, sometimes a burst of several images of one subject, sometimes photos of different subjects. Many of those, for one reason or another, weren’t included in the earlier posts. Just as some athletes aren’t good enough to make the team and are referred to as not having “made the cut”, the same can be said of photos that just aren’t good enough – here are a few of the many photos that didn’t make the cut – 


Although I didn’t think these photos were good enough or interesting enough to make the cut, I enjoyed making them and I hope you've enjoyed seeing at them.

How many more subjects or how many other photographs could have been taken within 200 feet of our back door I’ll never know, but the number probably approaches the uncountable.


  1. Hello,
    It is wonderful to see all this wildlife right out your door.
    Beautiful collection of photos. The deer are a favorite.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a safe and happy weekend. Best wishes for a Happy and Healthy New Year!

  2. Even these "discounted" shots reveal your keen eye for composition, light, and the unexpected beauty in everyday moments. The sheer variety within 200 feet is astounding!

  3. We take a lot of photos too and it's hard to sort out the best. I saw some of the 'toadstools' this week! Thanks for sharing your bounty of sightings!


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