Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Bears in the Breezeway

Northcentral Pennsylvania has an abundance of black bears, one of my favorite animals. In my 50+ years of working and playing in the area's forests and fields I’ve probably encountered black bears about 250 times and they frequent the ridge above the house.

A number of camera traps are in place above the house and in the yard, they frequently capture videos of bears – including bears drinking from, and bathing in, the tiny pond mere feet from our kitchen window (see this post).

More than 25 years ago we had the first sign that a black bear had walked through our breezeway when I found wet bear tracks on the breezeway’s concrete floor. Was that the first time a bear had passed through the breezeway – who knows – but it wasn’t the last.

Once in a while I’ve mounted a camera trap at the edge of our breezeway to see what passes through – chipmunks, squirrels, birds, and …

Although we’ve seen bears in the yard and found muddy footprints on the house we’ve never seen a bear walk through the breezeway. Those wet tracks and these videos are the only indication of bears in the breezeway, but we've got to believe there have been others, perhaps many others.

Are we concerned about that? NOPE, not at all.


  1. That's a nice looking bear! We have them in the forest, but seldom near the house!

  2. I love seeing the bears, from a distance. Great video captures. Sorry I am late visiting and commenting. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.

  3. Close encounters of a favorite kind for you! Kim in PA

  4. Bruin has been checking out my wild blackberry patch, less than 100 yds from the back door, and in the process has pushed down lots of heavy, fruit-laden branches. I don't mind sharing, but wish he would be a little more considerate!!

  5. Love the bears and your video! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your weekend.

  6. We have black bears here and people are always telling me they've just seen one where I am hiking. I know not to be afraid but I still don't want to see one up close! I'd rather see YOUR bears on the videos! heehee!


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