Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Wandering for Wildflowers

It’s later in the spring but wildflowers have still been in bloom and I just can’t pass up an opportunity to look at them and take some photographs. This time it’s not to the Big Woods I went, but to other woodland near and far. Near because some wildflowers bloom later than those in the earlier post. Far because some of these species don’t grow nearby, or at least I’ve not found them here.

There’s a long woodland road that H and I drive in spring to enjoy its abundance of spring wildflowers. So one day in May we hopped in the car and slowly drove down the road, sampling the beautiful flowers that bloom in northeastern North America as spring progresses.

We found several painted trillium, many people think it's the most beautiful of all species of trillium

Much, much more common is the purple trillium, but only a tiny fraction are its yellow variety, which we were fortunate to find


Never have we seen such an abundance of squirrel-corn –













 A few spring-beauties still bloomed –

Another white flower blooming by the side of the road was the white variety of sharp-lobed hepatica –

Still another white flower came into view
when we saw several large patches of wood anemone –

Don’t like white flowers, how about the yellow of large-flowered bellwort –

Or perhaps the magenta of fringed polygala, also sometimes called little gay-wings or the little airplane –

We also found large patches of wild geranium in bloom –

And several violets: long spurred –

And northern white –

Hidden among last fall’s fallen leaves were the flowers of wild ginger, although the leaves were quite obvious

Everywhere we looked there was an abundance of foamflower in bloom –











On one of which was a tiny, tiny fly



The most exciting flower of the day was one I'd never found before, rose twisted-stalk




There were still other flowers, as well as flowering shrubs, more than there’s room for in this post. Soon the trees’ leaves will be fully developed and the spring wildflowers will be done until next year, and then we’ll be back.


  1. Wonderful collection of wildflower shots!

  2. Those are all so precious. We did not take our flower walk on Mother's Day this year. The trail is very steep and being limited to one hand didn't want to chance falling as I have done almost every time on that trail.

  3. There is nothing quite so wonderful as a woodland filled with spring ephemerals. It feels me with untold joy every year.


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