Wednesday, April 19, 2023

An Evening with Woodies

After an early supper I headed for a shrub wetland where I’d seen signs of recent beaver activity and flushed a pair of wood ducks. This seemed like a spot where there might be a good chance of photographing a beaver in the process of felling a tree, a series of photographs that’s missing from my collection. On a previous mid-day trip to this wetland I’d found a good spot to sit and wait.

So on a beautiful spring evening I set up my folding hunter’s chair, put on my ghillie shirt and facemask, mounted the camera on a monopod and sat back to wait.

It wasn’t long before there was movement out in the water as a pair of coot swam across in front of me –

Shortly thereafter a pair of wood ducks followed almost the same route from one clump of shrubs to another –

The resplendent male and the female in her camo of brown,tan and white –

And then came a muskrat –

Following that parade things quieted down for a while and I kept busy watching an adult bald eagle circling lazily, far off and far above, and the activities of the male red-winged blackbirds as they defended their territories –

And the backs of several very large snapping turtles as they patrolled the wetland in their search for food and occasionally coming up for a breath of air –

As the light dwindled a pair of wood ducks emerged from the thick patch of shrubs to my left and swam 30 feet to my front, feeding on something I couldn’t see –

Then they swam off and out of sight –

  What a fitting end to a beautiful night even if the beavers never appeared.


  1. The colours of those Wood Ducks are amazing!

  2. Hello

    Love the Coots and the Wood Ducks. Great collection of photos.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and happy weekend!

  3. Wood ducks are some of the most beautiful ducks. They don't even look real with all of their fine details. Love the muskrat too. I've never seen one of those! Enjoy your week, Diane


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