Thursday, August 22, 2019

Running the Log & Crossing the Log

A camera trap has been aimed down a fallen white pine for well over a year. At first it was only there sporadically and was a homebrewed camera trap that took color still photos day and night – photos from that unit can be seen here .

More recently the camera trap has been one that took videos; at times a commercial unit has been there and sometimes it’s been a homebrewed video camera trap – some of those videos were posted here.

Over time the camera trap has been moved around a bit to give it a better/different view or make it more secure. Over the last few weeks the camera trap captured some interesting or humorous videos of common mammals –

Hope you enjoyed these, the camera may well capture more good videos before it comes in for a while in anticipation of deer season when more humans will be in the Big Woods.


  1. It really is interesting to see animals going about their daily business. The porcupine took the prize for me.

  2. An enjoyable montage, Woody. I especially liked the possum's comics gait.

  3. The log was a highway most nights. Was that a porcupine?

  4. Hello, I enjoyed seeing all the critters at the log. The deer are my favorite. Thank you for linking up! Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend.

  5. I'm glad I watched until the end...I love that baby fawn! And it's interesting that the deer was smelling all the scents...they would drive a dog crazy, wouldn't they! Thanks!

  6. Very nice compilation. What an interesting set - it works to attract animals that love to walk along walks, as well as others for whom it's an obstacle and therefore must slow down for a good photo shoot (like the deer). Well done.


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