When my far distant ancestors arrived in central Europe somewhere around 40,000 years ago they had a neighbor, the cave bear (Ursus spelaeus). Cave bears were huge compared to the black bears that inhabit northcentral Pennsylvania. The largest male black bears can top 700 pounds, but large male cave bears apparently weighed 1,800 pounds, truly gigantic.
Cave bears evidently spent a lot of time in European caves, hence the name, and became extinct around 24,000 years ago when continental glaciers reached their maximum extent. The bears' preferred habitat is reported to have been low forested hills in central and southern Europe.
What do cave bears have to do with the natural world of northcentral Pennsylvania? Nothing really except the photos I recently downloaded from the camera trap I set at the entrance to a small cave brought cave bears to mind.
Here are some of the photographs from just one day in late November -
Two days later the bear returned to the cave and exhibited some of the same behavior and apparently never entered the cave -
Although not as large as the largest black bears my camera traps have ever recorded, and those were nowhere near the size of the largest black bears ever documented, he was a fair sized animal and probably weighed in the neighborhood of 300-350 pounds, maybe more. He was tiny compared with a large cave bear -- but it was a bear and it was at a cave.
Thursday, January 25, 2018
Thursday, January 18, 2018
Squirrel Appreciation Day
21 is Squirrel Appreciation Day, an unofficial holiday to recognize the part that
squirrels play in the natural world. Although it is said to have originated as
a way to encourage people to put out food for squirrels, they’re quite capable
of finding food on their own. But that’s not to say we shouldn’t enjoy and
appreciate them.
my part of the world there are four species of squirrels; one is a ground squirrel the other three are tree squirrels in that they
spend a lot of time in trees and typically use tree cavities for shelter. One
species is nocturnal; the other three are active in daylight.
eastern chipmunk is our ground dwelling squirrel, although few people think of
it as a squirrel. A ground squirrel it may be, but it does spend quite a bit of
time in trees and shrubs searching for fruits and nuts and birds’ nests (yes,
chipmunks eat birds’ eggs and nestlings) –

and noisy, red squirrels favor woodlands with a high portion of pine, hemlock
or spruce. They’re extremely quick as they dash about the treetops and can be
important predators of nestling songbirds. Once, when I was walking in the Big
Woods I heard something falling through the branches of a nearby large hemlock.
After a long fall through the hemlock a red squirrel landed with a thud in the
old road on which I was walking. In an instant the
squirrel, apparently uninjured, dashed off and back up into the hemlock.
most of us think of squirrels we think of the ubiquitous gray squirrel, the
inhabitant of city parks and the raider of bird feeders. Gray squirrels can be
found almost anywhere there are trees and/or a source of food – extensive
forests, farm woodlots, parks, cemeteries, suburban neighborhoods, even big
cities where they may live in buildings and feed on handouts and scraps. Gray squirrels have been introduced in areas to which they are not native, including Great Britain, where they have become invasive pests.
squirrels can be nuisance at times, but we should appreciate that they can be
responsible for “planting” a large proportion of the oak/hickory forests we
enjoy and use. Gray squirrels hide acorns, hickory nuts and walnuts for later
use by burying them in seemingly random places, a method called “scatter
hoarding”. Some squirrels don’t survive to retrieve their hidden horde, some nuts can’t be found again, in times of unusual abundance more nuts are
buried than the squirrels can eat, and thus these tree seeds are planted.
un-retrieved nuts are the source of multitudes of seedlings; they had been
stored in the perfect place – in the soil, protected from seed predators like
deer and turkeys and black bears, moist enough not to dry out. Gray squirrels
occasionally carry nuts hundreds of yards before burying them and thus can help
spread oak and hickory into abandoned fields.
let’s give an appreciative tip of the hat to the squirrels.
Thursday, January 11, 2018
Were/Are They Nuts?
On one of this winter’s hikes in the Big
Woods, when the ground was covered with less than two inches of snow, I came
across the tracks of several other people who had been out in the forest. A couple of those
folks had been wearing snowshoes of all things!
Now snowshoes are wonderful things, reportedly
invented by peoples who lived in snowy areas of central Asia between 6,000 and
4,000 years ago. Those snowshoes apparently were flat wooden planks; the
traditional wood and rawhide snowshoe with which we are familiar was developed
from the solid wood types by migrants from central Asia after they arrived in
North America.
I’m a big fan of snowshoes, having made
five pairs of traditional snowshoes from scratch and re-laced even more sets as
explained in an earlier post.
Snowshoes are appropriate whenever snow
depth exceeds 10-12 inches and the snow is anything other than extremely light and
fluffy, not when there’s only an inch or two on the ground.
Perhaps those folks felt obligated to use the
snowshoes they’d purchased, or maybe they’d read some book or magazine that
left them with the impression they need snowshoes whenever there’s any snow on
the ground. Wearing snowshoes when there’s hardly any snow is an extremely
unpleasant and miserable activity – Were they nuts?
Winter’s about half over and now’s a good
time to reflect on the cold but relatively snowless winter that northcentral
Pennsylvania has had thus far this season. The entire northeast has had cold
weather, although the next day or so are forecast to have-spring-like temperatures – unusual for recent decades but just a reminder of how winter used to
be. Projections of future snow cover don't bode well for the need for snowshoes in Pennsylvania, or skiing or snowmobiling –
30 days of Snow Cover from "Northeast Climate Impacts Assessment" |
This winter it’s only portions of North America that have been cold, most of the
planet has been warmer than in the past –
Research on the Greenland icecap indicates
that the earth’s climate is now warmer than it has been for most of the time
modern humans have been on earth. In spite of the cold weather in early
January, the warmest years on record have occurred in the last decade – and
global temperatures are continuing to rise.
At the same time there’s now an
administration in Washington filled with a bunch of people who deny that the
climate is changing and have ties to the extractive industries which provide the
fossil fuels that are dumping carbon dioxide into the earth’s atmosphere. Are
they nuts too?
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