Thursday, November 9, 2017

The Log

For all of 2017 one of my camera traps has been mounted with a view along a fallen aspen log in order to document the species that use the log as a travelway.

Interesting and some humorous photographs have resulted, here’s a sample:

Gray Squirrel –

Red squirrel

Hermit thrush –

A blue jay in the almost dark –

A coyote walked the log

Some photos haven’t been of something on the log, but are instead of a nearby visitor, here a wild turkey –

And a pileated woodpecker on a nearby dead tree –

A white-tailed deer
One morning a black bear walked the log –

Surprisingly, a spider even triggered the camera –

By far the most frequent users of the log have been raccoons that have contributed more photographs than all other species combined.
Raccoons can be a real pain in the --- (insert the word of your choice) for those of us who run camera traps. If bait is used to lure a predator in view of the camera, raccoons will devour the bait; their curiosity and dexterity mean that they can occasionally even open the waterproof case; at the least they move the way the camera is mounted on a tree or stake or smear the lens glass with saliva, mucous or mud.

Some of the raccoons that have been caught on camera

Although they may be a pain in the ----, raccoons are intriguing animals that provide an abundance of good photos. I plan to leave the camera trap in place to capture more photos.


  1. What a great series of pix from one camera trap!

  2. Hello, the raccoon captures are cute and funny. I love the deer and the bear. Neat capture of the Pileated Woodpecker. The Coyote is cool too. Great post and photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  3. This post was just delightful! I really want to get a critter cam! One gets such interesting visitors on film that way! Love the variety of the animals you have been able to capture with your lens! I don't think we have raccoons here in our Central Oregon area...maybe along the Cascade Range, but not on these canyonlands. At least I don't think we do. I haven't had any activity in the outdoor trashcan! There are no bears that frequent this area, either. But we do have the wonderful mule deer, all the great birds, and of course coyotes and mountain lions (of which I have not seen...these last two).

  4. What fun to see all your wildlife visitors! Those raccoons DO look like rascals.Raccoons sometimes visit our inner-city back steps and can be quite bold, peering in the window with no fear. We also have possums regularly, sometimes with their young. They all come to our steps because we put food out for a family of feral cats, and somehow they all coexist quite peaceably.


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