A few days ago we awoke to a winter
wonderland after an overnight snow put four or five inches of wet snow
everywhere. Although it looked like the low gray clouds wouldn’t clear anytime soon,
the snow-covered trees at the house gave me a good reason to head into the Big
It was a monochromatic world, seeming to be
nothing but black and white –
The buckthorn was pretty with its
blue-black fruits holding a clump of snow –
But there actually was some color to be
seen as a small flock of over-wintering robins gleaned the red fruit from a
wide-spreading multiflora rose –
As this is being written a snowstorm is
moving up the east coast, but we’re only getting another four or five inches. It’s
just about mid-winter now and there’s less snow on the ground than usual, some
of us miss the deep snows of 40 years ago.