Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Day by Day Throughout the Year - 2nd quarter

In this post are the photos taken day by day throughout the second quarter of 2024 as I strive to take an interesting or at least good photograph of the natural world each day; the photographs from the first quarter are in this post.

It had been spring for a month as we started the second three months of the year. Last winter was warm without much snow. Streams have been high, but not as high as in years with normal snowfall. There were few birds at the feeders during the winter and early spring, and few to be seen in forest and field as well – perhaps due to the reported 30% drop in bird populations throughout North America. Spring flowers have been blooming earlier than in past years and trees' buds opened earlier – climate change at work.

Hopefully you’ll enjoy these photos –

Spring wildflowers have come and gone, white-tail fawns and elk calves are quite mobile now, most birds have nested and their young are, or soon will be, on the wing. Summer has arrived with its heat, humidity and haze and I’m still taking photos
which will be posted in early October.

From my camera traps: 4/3, 6/3